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Nguyen Viet Nhung, Vietnam

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ha Noi National University 

Chairman of the Vietnam Lung Association 

Vice President of Vietnam Medical Association

Doctor Nguyen Viet Nhung is the former Director of the National Lung Hospital. He is currently President of the Vietnam Lung Association, Vice President of the Vietnam Medical Association, and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hanoi National University. 

Dr. Nhung has been a medical doctor holder since 1985 and graduated residency in 1988 at Hanoi Medical University. He obtained a PhD from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic in 2000.


He has been a member of many guideline development groups (GDG) for TB control and a member of the Strategy and Technical Advisory Group (STAG TB) at WHO Geneva. 

He has written and participated in writing many books, textbooks, and 150 international articles, more than 60 local articles, and keynote speaker of many national and international scientific reports. He was awarded the Ho Chi Minh Prize for Science and Technology in 2022 and the Title of People's Physician in 2020. 

His main research fields are tuberculosis, lung cancer, asthma, COPD, and interstitial lung diseases. He has been deputy editor-in-chief of the Vietnam Medical Journal of the Vietnam Medical Association since 2021.

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